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Out is the 6th Principle of the transformative principles. I think that it comes last in the teaching because for us to be courageous enough to really step into “Out” we must be firmly planted in the other principles. They are needed to powerfully support us in the challenges that we will face when we enter the hero’s journey of the heart. The territory of “out” lies just over the edge of our comfort zone into our discomfort zone. This space is not risk free. But it is risk-worthy space. This is territory where things might be challenging and painful but will ultimately be “worth” it. If we travel in the territory of risk we will reap the reward of transformation.

In the life of the spirit, our spiritual journey, we will be invited into this territory over and over again. Sometimes it will be a thrilling adventure. Other times it may feel like the emotional and spiritual equivalent of slogging through deep mud. Always, there will be not knowing, some discomfort, and a sense that you are in unfamiliar territory. (We aren’t in Kansas any more, Toto!)

I adore this quote from Dr. Barbara Holmes who was one of the keynote speakers at a recent Spiritual Companions International conference. “Safety is an illusion. Journey is our only option.” She is speaking to those who have already placed their feet firmly on the path of transformation. At some point in the journey, it begins to feel like there is no option, no turning back, no standing still. The only way is forward in response to the repeated gentle whisper of the Divine. “This way, my beloved. Come with me. Come toward me.” Ever nearer to Love. Each step closer to unity with All That Is.

I myself am currently once again stepping into an unfamiliar territory. While I am very sure it is in response to God’s loving call, this territory seems full of darkness and shadow. My knees and legs are shaky. My heart filled with trepidation. My mind tries to make sense of it all. My ego insistently tells me that I am here alone. The still small voice whispers, We’re in this together. I’ve got you. Let go. Let go. I will do all that needs doing.

To walk into the wilderness and then to surrender there requires great trust. Sometimes I feel like I don’t have enough. It is then that I look behind me. Yes, there is the path that I have traveled. There are all of the moments that have led to NOW. And I have always, always been caught. I have been held. Healed. Each time I am caught and held my trust grows. This is not to say AT ALL that I have not suffered. I have. And I have suffered greatly. But I have never suffered from surrender and trust. The Grace that allows me to surrender and to trust has always, always caught me.

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