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imgres-2My intention is to give myself entirely and without compromise to whatever work God wants to perform in me and through me.   Thomas Merton

Take a moment to experience this one short sentence.  I am stunned by its simplicity and its depth of commitment and love.  It challenges me to look at my life and ask what it means to give myself entirely.

No matter how committed we are to the spiritual journey and to listening for God’s voice in our lives, it can be very difficult to know what it is we are supposed to do.  But, I am thinking that we can know just one or two things that God is calling us to right now, in this very moment.  We don’t have to know the full story or exactly where we are going.  I invite you to name one or more things that are in front of you, right now, where you feel fairly certain God is calling you to act.  It may be something small or large, but whatever it is, ask yourself: Can I give myself entirely and without compromise to this call that I feel in my life?  Yes and no are both fine answers to this question.  What would you like to say to God about where you are?

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  • By Beth Knight
    Posted February 21, 2015 4:16 pm 0Likes

    In front of me are three things… finishing seminary, a summer CPE and standing before the board of FL Conference UMC to become a certified Deacon Candidate. Any and/or all of these together weave into a manifesting of a calling God placed into my heart 15 years ago. Entirely I do live into these yet “mankind” can present glitches and hurdles that make the journey arduous. Still I say to God “I will do each day with a whole heart for You.”

  • By Janet
    Posted March 2, 2015 7:56 pm 0Likes

    For me, right now the compelling part of this statement has to do with the work that God is doing in me. I trust (right now anyway) that the Divine works through me. I’m pretty good at getting out of the way when it means helping others. But, when God wants to get in and tinker with the parts of me that I’ve grown attached to (even if these parts are no longer useful like a swollen appendix= pride), well, I’m not so good at getting out of the way. “God work IN me,” is my prayer. tonight.

  • By Rebecca
    Posted March 2, 2015 8:09 pm 0Likes

    I love the image of you getting out of the way and allowing God to do all the work tonight. You can just sit back and relax. Better than a mani/pedi and a massage. Enjoy!

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