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Co-listening is two or more people gathered in sacred space to bring compassionate attendance to our inner life and experiences with the express purpose of transformational change.  Each person is a “Co-Listener”, listening to their own inner experience as well listening to the inner experience of the other.

Authentic sharing and speaking from the immediacy of our experience are fundamental to our practice and are essential elements in catalyzing* the process of transformation.

Both/All Co-Listeners are engaged in a transformational experience as space is created for the 6 Principles of Transformation to arise.

  • Our process is dedicated to the unfolding journey of transformation.
  • Co-Listeners have no agenda for one another. Instead we hold each other in Love and trust that each individual’s deepest wisdom will arise as we listen together.
  • The transformational listening space is one of acceptance and non-judgment. We are each met where we are in the moment.
  • We affirm the transformational potential of all Beings.
  • We are committed to our own transformation so that we can serve the transformation of others and ultimately, the transformation of humanity.
  • All those interested in transformation are welcome whether they identify as religious or spiritual or they do not.
  • As is true for our Transformational Listening Circles, the only dogma to which we are strongly attached is our deep belief that Love is the ground of our Being and that transformation is possible through Love which grounds all of the 6 Principles.

We are engaged in group co-Listening and One with One co-Listening. We are currently developing a peer co-Listening practice.

In one with one co-Listening, one person will be trained in the process of Transformational Listening and there is usually a charge for this.

We strongly encourage all Transformational Listening Community members to be in a monthly co-Listening partnership.

Individuals may choose to participate in Transformational Listening without being a part of the TL Community.

If you are interested in any form of co-Listening please email us at

*to increase the rate of reaction in a chemical process.

**Why is it important to catalyze transformation?  As the dire situations around us increase in number and speed we believe that it is important and possible to also speed up our transformation and capacities as human beings. That being said, the practices themselves are all about slowing down. 

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