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Started on April 30, 2024

We believe that transformation never happens in a vacuum. Transformation is ultimately relational and therefore, it is a group activity.

Our egos and personalities were built up in a context of relationship with parents, peers and culture. We believe that the undoing of our conditioning and the emergence of our True Self arises out of relational practice. An ongoing community in which to practice new ways of relating authentically is foundational to transformation.

The Transformational Listening circles are not a workshop or a course that you take for a given period of time and then move on. We believe that it is only within a stable and supportive community that the 6 Principles of Transformation can be fully present and catalyze the transformation of each of us.

A community of practice meets regularly and maintains a commitment to the transformation of the individuals who make up the community, the transformation of the group itself as an emergent We space, and ultimately, a commitment to the transformation of the world.

What is practiced?

Surrendered Presence. (Link)
Authentically relating from our immediate lived experience.
Meeting in a container of Love and unconditional regard where we are safe enough to risk vulnerability and authenticity.
Commitment to the group and to one another in terms of time, presence and the willingness to learn to trust one another in our vulnerability.
Trusting individuals with their own experience without the need to advise or fix.
Shared facilitation and leadership.

Transformational Listening Circles (TLC) meet every other week for 90 minutes. The circle consists of 7-12 people who share facilitation.

Currently all meetings are on Zoom.

All people who are committed to their own transformation as well as the transformation of the community who are willing to relate authentically and have completed the 6 Principles of Transformation training are invited to join a TLC.

There are no religious creeds and we are not associated with any religious or spiritual group.

The closest we come to dogma is that we unapologetically affirm that love IS.

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