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file000584233617The heart has reasons

that reason can never know.

Blaise Pascal

Take a moment to chew on this short statement.  Those nine little words are probably the main reason that spiritual direction nourishes me so deeply, whether I am in the role of director or  directee.  How many places do most of us have in our lives where someone is most interested in what our heart KNOWS, rather than what our mind thinks?  It is such a relief to me when my director gently guides me back to that place in which my heart can speak.  And as a spiritual director, it is my greatest joy to watch directees tune their ears to the voice of the Spirit and their deepest knowing.  No one gets there by thinking harder.  We only arrive through the door of our hearts.

Quiet yourself.  Draw your attention to the place where your heart lives in your body.  Simply allow your awareness to rest there for a few minutes.  If you had to guess, what do you think your heart would like to say to you in this moment?


  • By Beth Knight
    Posted February 23, 2015 6:21 pm 0Likes

    I love this too Rebecca — after 16 years in the spiritual direction family it is a monthly wellspring that I cherish. Our Florida UMC conference is raising awareness for Clergy to reach out to Spiritual Direction through a program called “Shade and Fresh Water”. So pleased about this! … For me today, my heart talked to my mom in heaven and God tonight as I drove home from a meeting. Tears flowed as I sweetly said Thank you both to Mom and God for so many blessings. And BTW the bonsai plant has a new green sprig growing… My heart knows my Mom would love to know that.

  • By Rebecca Johnson
    Posted February 24, 2015 10:07 am 0Likes

    I can’t wait to hear more about what the conference does around spiritual direction. Maybe our conference will get on board as well. Shade and Fresh Water…I love it. It speaks to how I always feel nourished by Spiritual Direction. Love to you and your mom.

  • By Debra Dailey
    Posted February 26, 2015 6:29 am 0Likes

    Rebecca, thank you for your amazing blog and for setting up the Spiritual Directors website. I have given it out to several people already who I know will bloom and grow with the loving guidance they will receive from having someone listen to their story. I love the quotes and your musings. I feel filled hearing the voices of you and Beth and the many through your quotes who draw us inward and forward on our journey. Blessings!

  • By Rebecca Johnson
    Posted February 26, 2015 9:06 am 0Likes

    Debra, Thanks so much for your support of the ministry of spiritual direction and I am glad that you are enjoying the posts. Please give me any other feedback that might be helpful for the website. Blessings!

  • By Janet
    Posted March 2, 2015 8:00 pm 0Likes

    I would extend my heart knowing to a new awareness: my body knows. I’m starting to use my body more as a spiritual compass. My body talks when I listen, and sometimes it will tell me to move more, i.e, be in nature; find God there. Or my body will tell me to get away from a toxic influence. My stomach will tighten and I give myself permission to end a conversation or just step away. I’m thankful I trust my body more now, including my wise heart.

  • By Rebecca
    Posted March 2, 2015 8:05 pm 0Likes

    Yes!! So many sources of wisdom in our being.

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