There is no telling where God may turn up next — around what sudden bend of the path if you happen to have your eyes and ears open, your wits about you, in what odd, small moments almost too foolish to tell.
— Frederick Buechner in The Eyes of the Heart
It is important practice to focus the eyes of our heart to see God in things great and small throughout our day. In this moment, take a few breaths in and out. Allow yourself to truly become present to all that is around you. How is the Divine present with you right now? Now, think back over your day. Try to think of at least 5 places that you can name where God turned up in your life. Spend some time savoring that sacred time. Notice how your heart fills with gratitude. Allow that gratitude to refresh and renew you, allowing you to offer love and service to the world.
By Rebecca
God is present in the light breaking over the mountains. God is present to me in the solemn stillness of the trees outside my window, constant friends. God is present to me in the warm wool sweater that I wrap about myself on this arctic morning. God is very present in an online support group of women who are living after having breast cancer. God is present in the breath that is moving in and out of my body. Thanks be to you, Loving Spirit.
By Beth Knight
Thanks also be to God for YOU Rebecca as you live on & love as a beautiful tribute to surviving cancer. Xoxo
By Rebecca Johnson
Beth, thank you so much dear friend.
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