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imgres-2A Great Pilgrimage

I felt in need of a great pilgrimage

so I sat still for three

and God came
to me.


I was away from my home for nearly 10 days and returned again last night. I feel the physical, spiritual and mental relief of returning to my own familiar space. I breathe a deep sigh of gratitude for all of my travels.

Even though I have traveled to many places, met a lot of people, seen a lot of incredible sights, and had many wondrous experiences, it feels as though I went that far away to hear words that are echoed in the poem, “Sit still, and let God do some work.” For me, in this particular season, I needed to completely step away from my usual routines and ruts that had become habits, in order to be able to become truly still and to make space for doing nothing but attending to the Sacred in my life. As I return home and feel myself truly here and now, the attending is able to deepen and widen out to include all those around me, nature, the world, and you my dear fellow pilgrims.

What about you? What do you resonate with in Kabir’s poem?   Are you called to stillness or movement? How are you sensing God coming to you?

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