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The words you speak become the house you live in.    ~Hafiz


I am aware that the vast, vast majority of the words that I speak every day happen inside myself.  They are the stories that I tell myself about who I am, who you are, and what the world is.  In spiritual direction we ask, “Where is God (or Spirit) in this story?”

What are the stories that you are telling yourself today?   How might you invite the sacred into that story?  Are you happy with the house that you are building?


Do you know someone that might be interested in or benefit from spiritual direction?  Forward this email or invite them to visit our website at  We have spiritual directors who would love to meet with them.


This quote and photo above is from the Spiritual Directors International for Spiritual Care Facebook page.


  • By Anonymous
    Posted May 5, 2015 4:48 pm 0Likes

    I’ve really been paying attention (again) to my internal dialogue lately. I was surprised at the negativity that popped up about myself and shocked at what was lurking about in the shadows about others. Snarky-ness. Judgment. Ugly stuff. Rather than try to combat it all in my head, I decided to try and use my heart and body to shift the energy. I came up with a question; “what would it feel like in your body and your heart if you were to just let that person be? To let yourself be?” I could feel the ease in my heart, the relief in my body instantly as an answer to the question. I knew instantly the Goddess was in that energy, because it felt gooooooood! 🙂
    I will continue to make inviting in the ease, the relief, and the Goddess into my heart and body, a part of my daily practice. This way my mind doesn’t have to make up stories that aren’t true about myself or anyone else. And so it is.

  • By Janet
    Posted May 5, 2015 4:48 pm 0Likes

    I forgot to put my name on my post. But, maybe today I can be “Anonymous!”

  • By Rebecca
    Posted May 6, 2015 11:11 am 0Likes

    Thanks for your sharing Janet. Your thoughts and awarenesses help me to go deeper with the practice of attending to words…the ones inside me and the ones that get out…sometimes in non-verbal form! I want to build a house where I can offer compassion and non-judgment to all…including myself. And that SHOULD feel GOOOOOOOD!!

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