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Your soul knows the geography of your destiny.

Your soul alone has the map of your future,

therefore you can trust this indirect,

oblique side of yourself.

If you do, it will take you where you need to go,

but more important it will teach you

a kindness of rhythm in your journey.

―John O’Donohue

Recently I was assigned the spiritual practice of daily writing down what it is that I value.  I have been amazed at how often the word kindness has arisen in my lists.  I have long known of the Dalai Lama’s assertion that “kindness is my religion” and yet this word has just never felt big enough to me.  Isn’t compassion better than kindness?  What about justice?  Holiness?  Enlightenment?  And yet, the more that I settle in with this gentle little word, kindness, the more I experience the depth of its power.  Kindness feels like something that you DO.  I can do it almost all day long, whether I am alone or with others, remembering to begin with kindness toward myself, often the hardest place to begin.

Trust your soul.  Trust the geography of your destiny.  Journey in a rhythm of kindness for yourself and the whole world.

If you would like to explore more of the inner journey and geography, consider contacting a spiritual director.  Or forward this to someone who you think might be interested.  You can find several directors throughout Alaska listed here:  Spiritual Directors

Blessings on the Journey!


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