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True spiritual practice harbors this . . . intention –
the hand-over of self that places us on a collision-course with grace
and draws us into a deepened state of readiness.

—  Joseph Grant, Wandering and Welcome

The part about a collision-course with Grace sounds great, but wait, did you notice that other line in there? “The handover of self…” That is where true spiritual practice gets real and downright hard. And also truly worth it. When we hand over our self–our agendas, our identities, our worries and fears–we end up not so much on a collision-course, but floating in grace. Every moment becomes an opportunity to experience grace in all of its wondrous and challenging forms. However it shows up, it is there for your best, your highest. For your transformation.

How to hand over your self? The answer is very simple. You must surrender. The practice of surrender is simple but hard work. Over time, surrender becomes easier and easier and is your direct route to transformation.

Are you ready to surrender?

How are you already practicing surrender? What do you need to let go of that is no longer serving you?

Simple practice: Whenever you notice an emotional charge in your body (examples are conflict, fear, worry or self-judgment, anger, frustration) imagine that you are holding that situation in both hands. Now close your hands around the situation holding it tightly in your closed fist. Stay in this position for at least a full minute. How does it feel to hold on to the situation like this? What is it like in your hands? How about the rest of your body? Now slowly allow your hands to open. Notice the difference in how your body feels as you gently unfold your fingers. Now imagine the situation simply resting in your two palms. You aren’t asking the situation to leave. You are holding it in an open stance. Not trying to fix it. Not trying to push it away.

Now imagine that Grace flows in and covers your situation. Now you are holding both Grace and the situation in your surrendered hands. Ask Grace to affect this situation. Invite God, in whatever form is helpful, to hold this situation with you.

THIS is the practice of letting go. Did you notice that we didn’t force the situation away? It is still our situation. It is still our reality. In the practice of turning our situation over, we also hand our self over to Love. When we do that, we open the channel of grace. And we can rest there. As we surrender, as we rest, even for the space of a few breaths, we come into our true selves, our truest being. From this place, we will know how to respond to what is happening. Here we can ask ourselves, who/how do I want to BE in this situation? What is wanting to happen here? Listen deeply. Your knowing will flow in like Grace.

In Love,


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