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DSCN0744Just before the green begins there is the hint of green
a blush of color, and the red buds thicken
the ends of the maple’s branches and everything
is poised before the start of a new world,
which is really the same world
just moving forward from bud
to flower to blossom to fruit
to harvest to sweet sleep, and the roots
await the next signal, every signal
every call a miracle and the switchboard
is lighting up and the operators are
standing by in the pledge drive we’ve
all been listening to: Go make the call.

by Stuart Kestenbaum, from Prayers & Run-on Sentences. © Deerbrook Editions, 2007

Yes, today is May Day and no longer April, but this poem exactly  captures the cusp that we hover upon here in Alaska.  Each day as I take my walk and gaze out my window, I feel my eyes and my spirit straining toward the brown grass, the still bare limb, longing for the first touches of green.  It is a miraculous time.  A time of intense unfolding and awakening.  We know that within a few short days, we will go from brown to verdant green.

Spend time with the buds, with the bright new green shoots of the grasses, the tree that still seems bare outside of your window.  Go make the call.  Don’t miss this.  Feel the new life and energy flowing through it, ready to burst open.  What does this season have to teach you?  What do you feel your heart and spirit straining toward?



  • By Jan Thurston
    Posted May 1, 2015 3:00 pm 0Likes

    Thanks for you lovely words Rebecca.

    Today Lucas was crossing the bay in the skiff and his blood pressure shot up seriously high. He called Jim who rushed out with the big boat and whisked him off to Homer where Beka met him and took him to the emergency room. We are waiting for the results. Please hold them in your prayers.

    The writing on spring had a calming perspective for me, Thank you.

  • By Janet
    Posted May 1, 2015 5:10 pm 0Likes

    I often wonder if we are out walking our dogs at the same time. 🙂 Up here in the mountains when the last patches of snow and ice cling desperately, I sometimes feel a little desperate for any sprig of green I can find at this time of year. I swear I personally summon the pussy willows into existence every year with my begging. Mud is everywhere; fresh snow appeared on the peaks yesterday, BUT I have faith. And sure enough I could see that thickening of the branches today on my walk. I guess it’s the AK version of the mustard seed? Thank you for sharing. I’m answering the call!

  • By Beth Knight
    Posted May 2, 2015 7:23 am 0Likes

    This is so beautiful and I answer the call! This prompts and moves me toward something that has been stirring for a week or so… Mother’s Day. It is my first in a lifetime of my sweet mom being in heaven and not on this earthly plane. How do I navigate this season when I used to cherish sending Mom flowers or a gift and hearing her voice on the phone… Because she loved May and flowers… In her honor shall I go plant seeds in one location? Shall I buy a packet of seeds and sprinkle them randomly on a Sunday drive? Shall I make the journey to a special place and sprinkle her ashes? Mostly I just would love to TALK to her and see her smile. So dear friends – as a few tears flow while writing this, I think I know my answer. She would want me to live into May with JOY for all of God’s beauty. And I certainly will answer that call.

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