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The motivations for desiring transformation are as diverse as we are as individuals.  Here are some that might resonate with you: 

You want to live with a simple sense of well being.

You want to develop to the point where your ego isn’t always in control.

You want stronger, deeper, more loving and more authentic relationships. 

You can no longer tolerate the dysfunctions and woundings of your life. 

You long to be a more loving person.  You want to live in love. 

You desire your creativity to emerge expansively without crippling self doubt.

You  want to live in freedom, both freedom FROM and freedom TO.  

You refuse to stagnate.

You long for the more in life.   

You know that you are a soul and that the soul is always longing to expand, to become more and more itself.  

You feel a longing, a drawing, a call. 

You are dissatisfied with the status quo. 

You are dealing with childhood trauma or family dysfunction.

You feel angry, anxious or sad much of the time.

You struggle with self confidence. 

You have a hard time with truly deep connection and intimacy with others.  

You are a person of faith or Spirit who senses that something beyond you has a desire or will for you and for humanity.

You long to  relax.  

You want to feel free.  

You want/need to save the world or maybe just some small part of it. 

Your current life situation is untenable.  Something has to give. 

You know you were placed here on this planet to grow and to be of benefit.  

There is someone in  your life who you would really love to be better FOR.

You hunger for the depths of things. 

You believe in the evolution of our consciousness and you want to be a part of that.  

You believe God has created you to be always growing and becoming more.

You believe the universe is always growing you and inviting you to become more. 

You need to make a difference in the world.  

You want to be happy. 

You want other people to be happy. 

You believe that you are more than just your personality and your ego.  You are a soul that is infinitely possible.  

You desire to transform because you know you must.  

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