Comments on: Rumi, Pay Homage Companioning People at All Stages of the Spiritual Journey. Thu, 30 Jun 2022 08:51:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janet Wed, 22 Jul 2015 04:39:52 +0000 Rebecca, You are going to laugh. When I read your post, I thought, “yeah. I’m pretty good at bowing to what happens in my day–good or bad.”
And then today happened:
1)I had to leave a doctor appointment without being seen, because I would have missed my next appointment of the day if I had stayed
2)I tripped over a curb and landed spread eagle, scuffing my hands in front of LOTS of witnesses
3)I was honked at by at least 3 drivers today and I’m pretty sure one of them flipped me off as they raced around me, but I was afraid to look as they zipped by
4)I dropped some of my dinner on my pants and it left a grease stain (maybe not such a big loss– I also ripped them when I fell)
5)I had to rewrite this post after trying to submit it once already, because I had forgotten to give my email the first time, so I lost the whole entry when I hit submit
All day I kept hearing a voice say, “Can you bow to that?!”
I may not have been able to bow at everything, but like the Buddha, I’m laughing now!
